Gratitude Challenge Day 5
America is still a beacon of freedom to much of the world. We are thankful that we have the privilege to live in th [more]
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Real Estate 101: Credit Scores
This week's Real Estate 101 deals with credit scores.
What is a credit score? It's a measurement used by lender [more]
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Gratitude Challenge – Day 4
Music is something that has always been a big part of both of our lives. It is a way to relieve stress, and has an [more]
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Motivation Monday 11-4-19
We felt this was fitting today, with the recent thoughts of time changing.
It's good advice though. Keep pushing [more]
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Gratitude Challenge, Day 3
Spending time with family is something that is often taken for granted. We can get so caught up in the business of [more]
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Time Change!
Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour tonight! This is the ???? time change, where you gain an hour in your day! ?
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30 Days of Gratitude, Day 2
While I enjoy Winter, I'm thankful that we are enjoying warmer temps again for a bit longer. Autumn is my favorite [more]
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Removing Bathtub Stains
We are entering into the pre-holiday season, so our weekend tips will change to help you prepare for houseguests. : [more]
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November is the Month of Gratitude
The month of gratitude is here!
The last 4 months of the year have been my favorite for as long as I can rememb [more]
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2995 Golden Hawk Way has Closed!
2995 Golden Hawk Way has been purchased!
Welcome to the neighborhood!
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