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30 Days of Gratitude!

Gratitude Challenge: Day 13

Nov 13, 2019
Our subcontractors are awesome! Without their hard work & professionalism, we would not be able to build beautiful [more]
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30 Days of Gratitude!

Gratitude Challenge, Day 12

Nov 12, 2019
I am very thankful for the mentorship & friendship of my colleagues. We have so many great Realtors here that truly [more]
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Gratitude Challenge, Day 11

Nov 11, 2019
Today we honor those who have served in our military to protect the freedoms we enjoy.⁣ ⁣ There are not enough word [more]
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30 Days of Gratitude!

Gratitude Challenge, Day 10

Nov 10, 2019
In Genesis, God set aside a day of rest. In the 10 Commandments, He said to "Remember the Sabbath & keep it Holy"⁣ [more]
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30 Days of Gratitude!

Gratitude Challenge, Day 9

Nov 09, 2019
... as long as it's not over mountain passes in a blizzard at midnight! ⁣ ⁣ Road trips are great! A great playlist, [more]
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30 Days of Gratitude!

Gratitude Challenge, Day 8

Nov 08, 2019
Apple cider, pumpkin pie, the leaves changing colors on the trees, crisp mornings, and sunny afternoons. What's not [more]
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30 Days of Gratitude!

Gratitude Challenge – Day 7

Nov 07, 2019
While it can be a pain when it doesn't work right, technology has made the world drastically smaller! ⁣ ⁣ We now ha [more]
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30 Days of Gratitude!

Gratitude Challenge, Day 6

Nov 06, 2019
Home. ⁣ It's a word that evokes so much emotion. Hopefully that emotion brings comfort and peace! For many, home is [more]
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30 Days of Gratitude!

Gratitude Challenge, Day 3

Nov 03, 2019
Spending time with family is something that is often taken for granted. We can get so caught up in the business of [more]
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30 Days of Gratitude!

30 Days of Gratitude, Day 2

Nov 02, 2019
While I enjoy Winter, I'm thankful that we are enjoying warmer temps again for a bit longer. Autumn is my favorite [more]
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