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The Lonely Side Yard

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on May 1, 2019
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Ah, the side yard. What do you do with that space that connects the front yard to the back yard? On the garage side, it is often used as RV or boat parking – which is a great use – but what about the other side?

If you are fortunate enough to have a bit of space along the side of your home, what can you do with it to create an inviting side yard area that you actually want to spend a bit of time in?

This article from has some great ideas!

Do keep in mind to check with your HOA, local utilities, and city or county codes to make sure that what you are planning is allowed and legal. There are often easements that run along property lines that will regulate what you can or can’t do within that space.

Once you know what is & isn’t allowed, it’s time to start dreaming! Click through the photo below for 25 great ideas to turn an oft-forgotten space into a peaceful getaway!


Which idea do you like the best?


For more tips & ideas for your outdoor living spaces, tune in to our blog! We will add seasonally appropriate articles and links to help you stay up-to-date on yard maintenance and share some ideas for ways to create an oasis in your yard!

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