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Gratitude Challenge: Day 24

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on November 25, 2019
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Yes, it’s an odd one today, but I’m so grateful nonetheless! I lived outside Seattle for several years, and this time of the year I miss all that access to a major metropolitan area’s downtown has to offer. So, we took a quick drive to SLC yesterday!⁣
While the small city vibe of Grand Junction is great, there is something about being surrounded by very tall buildings in the month leading up to Christmas. It’s something that I just find refreshing (and I love rain too. Yep, I’m weird!).⁣
As we gear up for Thanksgiving later this week, it was nice to have the chance to go shopping at some of the stores that I REALLY miss having access to (seriously, @traderjoes @costco and @worldmarket need to open up shop here in GJ!) and grab some yummy food.⁣
What are you thankful for today?

Yes, it’s an odd one today, but I’m so grateful nonetheless! I lived outside Seattle for several years, and this time of the year I miss all that having access to a major metropolitan area’s downtown has to offer. So, we took a quick drive to Salt Lake City yesterday!⁣

While the small city vibe of Grand Junction is great, there is something about being surrounded by very tall buildings in the month leading up to Christmas. It’s something that I just find refreshing (and I love rain too. Yep, I’m weird!).⁣

As we gear up for Thanksgiving later this week, it was nice to have the chance to go shopping at some of the stores that I really miss having access to (seriously, @traderjoes @costco and @worldmarket need to open up shop here in GJ!) and grab some yummy food.⁣

What are you thankful for today?

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