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3 Hacks To Hang Your Art

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on November 26, 2019
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I was going through my email today, and Cost Plus World Market sent out a link to this infographic on how to hang your art.

I know in our household we have a lot of things to hang – photos, paintings, certificates, etc – and with all of the different styles of frames it can be a challenge to get everything hung as evenly as I would like. These hacks look like they may do the trick to solve that issue! was kind enough to share this infograph with me, so I am sharing it with you! (reposted with permission)

3 Hacks To Hang Your Art 
Hack #1
Hang wire-back frames in a grid with a paint stirrer
What you will need:
1 frame with wire back - paint stir sticks - 1screw - hammer - nails
Step 1
Create a point by drilling the screw into the bottom of the stir stick so that it barely goes through the other side.
Step 2
Hang the frame wire by the screw (on the stir sick).
Step 3
Hold the frame against the wall in the exact spot you would like it.
Step 4
Remove the frame from the paint stick; this is made easier with an extra set of hands!
Step 5
Press the screw into the wall, just enough to leave a mark. Then, hammer the nail into the mark, hang the frame, stand back and adjust.
Push here gently
Step 6
Place the additional stir stick (without a screw) next to the first frame to create the perfect grid spacing and repeat stops 1-6 to create a grid wall of any size.
Before you re-hang the photos, place small rubber dots on the bottom of each frame to keep them from shifting.
Hack #2
Hang framed art with pre-determinedhanging brackets
(great for heavier art)
What you will need:
Art with predetermined hanging brackets - level tool - screws - masking tape - a marker - drill
Step 1
Place a piece of masking tape between brackets and mark where the screws will fit into the bracket.
Step 2
Apply tape to the edge of your level.
Step 3
Once leveled, apply the tape to your wall.
Step 4
Drill holes on each end. Then, hang your framed art. Step back and enjoy!
Hack #3
Hang the perfect gallery wall what you will need:
Contact paper - a hammer – nails – masking tape - a marker – framed art of all shapes/sizes – level tool
Step 1
Trace, label and cut out each piece of framed art on contact paper. Don't forget to add notes on orientation (landscape or portrait)!
Step 2
Peel the backing off your contact paper and start playing around with arrangements. The contact paper peels right off without damaging the wall.
Step 3
Once you've picked an arrangement, use a level tool and masking tape to create even spacing. Adjust accordingly.
Step 4
Place nails in marked areas. Remove contact paper and tape.
Step 5
Add your framed art and adjust until you are satisfied!
Sources: |

Just in case the graphic doesn’t show clearly, here are the steps:

3 Hacks To Hang Your Art

Hack #1
Hang wire-back frames in a grid with a paint stirrer

What you will need:
1 frame with wire back – paint stir sticks – 1screw – hammer – nails

Step 1
Create a point by drilling the screw into the bottom of the stir stick so that it barely goes through the other side.

Step 2
Hang the frame wire by the screw (on the stir sick).

Step 3
Hold the frame against the wall in the exact spot you would like it.

Step 4
Remove the frame from the paint stick; this is made easier with an extra set of hands!

Step 5
Press the screw into the wall, just enough to leave a mark. Then, hammer the nail into the mark, hang the frame, stand back and adjust.

Push here gently

Step 6
Place the additional stir stick (without a screw) next to the first frame to create the perfect grid spacing and repeat stops 1-6 to create a grid wall of any size.

Before you re-hang the photos, place small rubber dots on the bottom of each frame to keep them from shifting.

Hack #2
Hang framed art with pre-determinedhanging brackets
(great for heavier art)

What you will need:
Art with predetermined hanging brackets – level tool – screws – masking tape – a marker – drill

Step 1
Place a piece of masking tape between brackets and mark where the screws will fit into the bracket.

Step 2
Apply tape to the edge of your level.

Step 3
Once leveled, apply the tape to your wall.

Step 4
Drill holes on each end. Then, hang your framed art. Step back and enjoy!

Hack #3
Hang the perfect gallery wall what you will need:
Contact paper – a hammer – nails – masking tape – a marker – framed art of all shapes/sizes – level tool


Step 1
Trace, label and cut out each piece of framed art on contact paper. Don’t forget to add notes on orientation (landscape or portrait)!

Step 2
Peel the backing off your contact paper and start playing around with arrangements. The contact paper peels right off without damaging the wall.

Step 3
Once you’ve picked an arrangement, use a level tool and masking tape to create even spacing. Adjust accordingly.


Step 4
Place nails in marked areas. Remove contact paper and tape.

Step 5
Add your framed art and adjust until you are satisfied!

Sources: |

Do you know someone else who could use these hacks? Please share them!

3 Hacks To Hang Your Wall Art from

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